
CN 51-1738/F

李明秋, 李雯. 农村宅基地“三权分置”:内在逻辑、权利性质及权能范围[J]. 西部经济管理论坛, 2020, 31(6): 1-7. DOI: 10.12181/jjgl.2020.06.01
引用本文: 李明秋, 李雯. 农村宅基地“三权分置”:内在逻辑、权利性质及权能范围[J]. 西部经济管理论坛, 2020, 31(6): 1-7. DOI: 10.12181/jjgl.2020.06.01
Li Mingqiu, Li Wen. “The Separation of Tree Rights” in Rural Homesteads: Internal Logic, Nature of Rights and Scope of Capacity[J]. West Forum on Economy and Management, 2020, 31(6): 1-7. DOI: 10.12181/jjgl.2020.06.01
Citation: Li Mingqiu, Li Wen. “The Separation of Tree Rights” in Rural Homesteads: Internal Logic, Nature of Rights and Scope of Capacity[J]. West Forum on Economy and Management, 2020, 31(6): 1-7. DOI: 10.12181/jjgl.2020.06.01


“The Separation of Tree Rights” in Rural Homesteads: Internal Logic, Nature of Rights and Scope of Capacity

  • 摘要: 实行农村宅基地“三权分置”,既可以打消进城落户农民担心因宅基地流转而永久失去宅基地使用权的顾虑,也可以避免因宅基地流转范围不再局限于集体内部而动摇集体土地所有权的根基,其实质是在落实集体土地所有权的前提下,将依附在“两权分离”下的宅基地使用权上的居住保障功能和身份属性剥离出来,形成体现身份属性和承担居住保障功能的资格权,剥离后的剩余权能构成了新型宅基地使用权,以达到宅基地使用权去身份化的目的,进而通过扩大新型宅基地使用权的流转范围,促进农村闲置宅基地的流转,盘活闲置的宅基地资源,增加农民的财产性收入;“三权分置”下的宅基地资格权是一种从原使用权中剥离出来的承担保障功能和体现身份属性的新型权利,其权能包括期待权、收益权和支配权;“三权分置”下的宅基地使用权是剥离了保障功能和身份属性的用益物权,其权能包括占有权、使用权、收益权和处分权等。


    Abstract: The implementation of "the separation of three rights" in rural homesteads can not only dispel the concerns and worries of farmers who settle in the city to lose permanently the right to use the homesteads due to the transfer of homesteads, but also prevent the shaking of the foundation of collective land ownership because the scope of homestead circulation is longer limited to the collective. The essence of “the separation of three rights” is to detach the residential security and identity attribute attached to the right to use homestead land in “the separation of two rights” under the premise of ensuring the collective land ownership, and forming the qualification right to reflect identity attributes and undertake residential security. The stripped residual power constitutes a new right to use homestead, which is to achieve the purpose of de-identity of homestead use right. Then, expanding the circulation scope of the right to use homesteads promotes the circulation of idle homesteads in rural areas, revitalizes idle homestead resources and increases farmers' property income. The qualification right under "the separation of three rights" in rural homesteads is a new type of right with identity attributes and residential security separated from the original right to use homesteads, which include expectation, income and control. The right to use homestead under "the separation of three rights" is a usufructuary right stripped of its security function and identity attribute, and its functions and powers include possession, use, income and disposition.


