
CN 51-1738/F


How the Upgrading of Provincial Development Zones Affects the Economic Efficiency of Cities in Central and Western China

  • 摘要: 省级开发区升格对提高我国中西部地区城市经济效率、促进经济高质量发展具有重要意义。文章利用2006—2021年中西部地区125个地级市的数据,运用多期双重差分模型探究省级开发区升格对中西部地区城市经济效率的影响。研究发现:(1)省级开发区升格能显著提升中西部地区城市经济效率。(2)省级开发区升格能通过加大政策优惠力度、提升产业集聚水平、激发创新创业活力三个中介机制来提升中西部地区城市经济效率。(3)在经济发展水平较低或市场化程度较高的城市,省级开发区升格有显著正向作用;在经济发展水平较高或市场化程度较低的城市,升格无明显作用效果或效果减弱。因此,中西部地区各城市应结合经济发展水平及市场化程度差异化推进省级开发区升格的实施;中西部地区开发区应把握政策机遇并善用政策优势,加强产业积聚,鼓励区内企业创新创业,加快实现省级开发区升格,促进中西部地区城市经济效率提升。


    Abstract: The upgrading of provincial development zones plays a crucial role in enhancing urban economic efficiency and promoting high-quality economic development in central and western China. This paper examines the impact of provincial development zones upgrades on the economic efficiency of cities in these regions, utilizing data from 125 prefecture-level cities between 2006 and 2021. The study finds that (1) the upgrading of provincial development zones can significantly improves the economic efficiency of cities in central and western China; (2) the positive effects on economic efficiency are mediated through three mechanisms: increased preferential policies, enhanced industrial agglomeration, and the stimulation of innovation and entrepreneurship; (3) the impact of upgrading is most pronounced in cities with low economic development levels or high marketization. In contrast, cities with high economic development levels or low marketization experience either no significant effect or a weakened effect. Therefore, it is recommended that cities in central and western China tailor their promotion of provincial development zones based on the distinct levels of economic development and marketization. These regions should seize policy opportunities to foster competitive industrial clusters, encourage local enterprises to innovate and start new ventures, and accelerate the upgrading of provincial development zones to further enhance urban economic efficiency.


