
CN 51-1738/F


Deepening Rural Financial Reform and Promoting Urban-Rural Integrated DevelopmentSummary of the 8th Southwest Rural Financial Forum

  • 摘要: 2024年11月“第八届西南农村金融论坛暨应用经济学一流学科专业建设“研讨会隆重举行,研讨会包括主旨报告与平行分论坛报告两部分。主旨报告涵盖七位学者的核心观点,他们从多维度深入剖析了金融在农业发展中的多元效能等关键问题。三个平行分论坛分别围绕 “农村金融与城乡融合发展”“普惠金融与乡村振兴”“科技金融与新质生产力发展” 主题展开。文章旨在概述论坛的核心观点和研究成果,以期为缩小城乡发展差距、优化农村金融服务、促进农业现代化和乡村振兴战略的深入实施提供理论支持和政策建议。


    Abstract: In November 2024, the 8th Southwest Rural Finance Forum and First-class Discipline and Professional Construction Seminar of Applied Economics was held grandly. The seminar included keynote speeches and parallel sub-forums.The keynote speeches cover the core viewpoints of seven scholars. They analyzed some key issues, such as the multifaceted effectiveness of finance in agricultural development from various perspectives. The three parallel sub-forums were centered on three themes: “Rural Finance and Urban-Rural Integration”, “Inclusive Finance and Rural Revitalization”, and “Science and Technology Finance and New Quality Productivity”. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the core ideas and achievements of the forums. It aims to provide theoretical support and policy recommendations for narrowing the development gap between urban and rural areas, optimizing rural financial services, and promoting agricultural modernization and rural revitalization strategies.


