
CN 51-1738/F


Research on Differences and Influencing Factors of Regional Industrial Diversification Development

  • 摘要:
    目的/意义 产业多样化发展有利于分散外部冲击,保持经济稳定性,促进地区产业结构转型和区域协调发展。
    方法/过程 采用熵值法将地区整体多样化分解为相关多样化与无关多样化,并运用地区宏观面板数据分析地区三种产业多样化的空间分布特征,以及经济、政策、区位三类因素的异质性影响。
    结果/结论 研究发现:我国地区产业多样化水平表现出明显的分散化区域特征,与我国东中西部地区经济发展差异呈相反趋势;部分经济因素明显表现出沿海省份“倾向性”影响,其中产业外部性、人力资本、相对城市化水平、信息化、基础设施、金融发展、技术水平、开放程度对东部地区产业多样化的影响明显强于中西部地区;经济因素与政策因素对相关多样化、无关多样化存在相反的影响,政府干预对中西部地区的产业多样化发展产生了抑制作用,却更能促进沿海省份产业多样化发展,直辖市具有产业多样化发展的区位优势。


    Purpose /Significance Diversified development of industry is conducive to the dispersion of external shocks, maintaining of economic stability, and promotion of regional industrial restructuring and regional coordinated development.
    Method/Process This paper uses the entropy method to decompose industrial diversification into related diversification and irrelevant diversification, and explores the spatial differences and influencing factors heterogeneity of regional industrial diversification.
    Results/Conclusions The study findsout that the diversified development of China's regional industries shows regional distribution characteristics, which is opposite to the difference in economic development between the east, central and western regions.Some economic factors clearly show the "prone" influence of coastal provinces, among which the industry externality, human capital, relative urbanization level, informatization, infrastructure, financial development, technology level, and openness have a stronger impact on industrial diversification in the eastern region than in the central and western regions.Economic factors and policy factors have opposite effects on related diversification and unrelated diversification. Government intervention has inhibited the diversification of industrial development in the central and western regions, but it can promote the diversified development of coastal provinces. The municipality has the geographical advantage of diversified industrial development.


