
CN 51-1686/N


Entity Weighted News Recommendation Based on RippleNet

  • 摘要: 推荐系统一直是信息检索研究的热点。相比于电影推荐、旅游推荐等项目推荐,新闻推荐具有新闻文章批量大、时效性强的特点,从而对算法有着更高的要求。文章在RippleNet模型的基础上,引入实体入度的概念,通过把多边实体进行加权,突出个别实体的重要程度,以提高新闻推荐的精度。在新闻数据集的性能验证结果表明,该模型相比于其他基线模型,整体精度提升了1.7%。


    Abstract: Recommendation system has always been a hot issue in information retrieval research. Compared with other items such as movie recommendation and travel recommendation, news recommendation has the characteristics of large batch of news articles and strong timeliness, which has higher requirements on the algorithm. Based on the RippleNet model, this paper introduces the concept of entity entry degree, which highlights the importance of individual entities by weighting multilateral entities, thus improving the accuracy of news recommendation. The performance validation on the news dataset shows that the overall accuracy of this model is improved by 1.7% compared with other baseline models.


