
CN 51-1686/N


AFS/DYC Cooperative Control for Handling Stability of Distributed Drive Electric Vehicle

  • 摘要: 为提高分布式驱动电动汽车极限驾驶工况下的操纵稳定性,建立两个临界前轮转角模型,将轮胎侧向力特性曲线划分为线性、过渡和饱和3个区域,以此确定AFS和DYC的工作区域,提出基于轮胎侧向力特性的AFS/DYC协同控制策略。结果表明:建立的临界前轮转角模型能准确地划分轮胎侧向力特性区域,最大相对误差为5.42%;与基于相平面可拓域的协同控制策略相比,提出的协同控制策略使车辆操纵稳定性综合性能提升40.29%,横向位移偏差最大值降低89.05%。本文提出的控制策略在提高车辆轨迹跟踪精度的基础上,极大地改善了分布式驱动电动汽车极限工况下的操纵稳定性。


    Abstract: In order to improve the handling stability of distributed drive electric vehicle under extreme driving conditions, two models of critical front wheel angle were established, and the lateral tire force curve was divided into linear, transition and saturation regions. Based on this, the working regions of AFS and DYC were determined, and the AFS/DYC cooperative control strategy based on lateral tire force characteristics was proposed. The maximum relative error of the model of critical front wheel angle is 5.42%, and the lateral tire force region can be accurately divided. Compared with the cooperative control strategy in the phase plane extension domain, the performance of the proposed cooperative control strategy is improved by 40.29%, and the maximum lateral displacement deviation is reduced by 89.05%. The proposed cooperative control strategy improves the vehicle trajectory tracking accuracy, and the handling stability of the distributed drive electric vehicle under extreme driving conditions is greatly improved.


