
CN 51-1686/N


Magnetic Biochar Activated Persulfate Degradation of Rhodamine B

  • 摘要: 以农业废弃物花生壳为原料,通过高温煅烧–共沉淀法制备了可磁分离回收的磁性生物炭(MBC),并对MBC的形貌和结构进行表征。文章采用MBC活化过硫酸钠(SPS)降解罗丹明B(RhB),探究了MBC投加量、SPS浓度、溶液初始pH值、共存离子等对RhB降解率的影响,并考察了MBC的重复利用性能。研究结果表明:在RhB初始质量浓度为10 mg/L,溶液初始pH值为6.50,MBC投加量为0.4 g/L,SPS浓度为2.0 mmol/L时,RhB降解率在120 min时达到93.2%;RhB降解率随MBC投加量和SPS浓度增加而提高,并在较宽的pH范围内(1~7)具有较高降解率,腐殖酸、Cl、HCO3对RhB的降解具有一定抑制作用;MBC的饱和磁化强度为5.28 emu/g,表明其易于磁回收;MBC具有较好的磁性和稳定性,经过3次循环后,RhB降解率仍达到73.8%。综上所述,本研究制备的花生壳生物炭作为一种非均相磁性催化剂可以持久活化SPS,从而实现RhB的降解。


    Abstract: he magnetic separation and recovery of MnFe2O4@biochar (MBC) was prepared from agricultural waste peanut shell by high-temperature calcination and co-precipitation method, and the morphology and structure of MBC were characterized and analyzed. Rhodamine B(RhB) was degraded by MBC activated sodium persulfate (SPS).The effects of MBC dosage, SPS concentration, initial pH value of solution and co-existing ions on RhB degradation rate were investigated, and the reuse performance of MBC was also investigated. The results show that when the initial concentration of RhB is 10 mg/L, the initial pH value of the solution is 6.50, the MBC dosage is 0.4 g/L, and the SPS concentration is 2.0 mmol/L, the degradation rate of RhB reaches 93.2% in 120 minutes. Its degradation rate increases with the increase of MBC dosage and SPS concentration, and has a higher degradation rate at lower pH values (1-7). Humic acid, Cl, and HCO3 have a certain inhibitory effect on the degradation of RhB. The saturation magnetization of MBC is 5.28 emu/g, indicating that it is easy to magnetic recovery.MBC has good magnetism and stability, and after three cycles, the RhB degradation rate can still reach 73.8%. As a heterogeneous magnetic catalyst, the MBC prepared in this study could persistently activate SPS and achieve the degradation of RhB.


