
CN 51-1686/N

郭训练,田倩倩,田爽爽. 磨粉方式对荞麦粉粉质特性与面条加工特性的影响[J]. 西华大学学报(自然科学版),2024,43(4):92 − 99. doi: 10.12198/j.issn.1673-159X.5483
引用本文: 郭训练,田倩倩,田爽爽. 磨粉方式对荞麦粉粉质特性与面条加工特性的影响[J]. 西华大学学报(自然科学版),2024,43(4):92 − 99. doi: 10.12198/j.issn.1673-159X.5483
GUO Xunlian, TIAN Qianqian, TIAN Shuangshuang. Effect of Milling Method on the Characteristics of Buckwheat Flour and Its Noodle Processing Properties[J]. Journal of Xihua University(Natural Science Edition), 2024, 43(4): 92 − 99.. DOI: 10.12198/j.issn.1673-159X.5483
Citation: GUO Xunlian, TIAN Qianqian, TIAN Shuangshuang. Effect of Milling Method on the Characteristics of Buckwheat Flour and Its Noodle Processing Properties[J]. Journal of Xihua University(Natural Science Edition), 2024, 43(4): 92 − 99.. DOI: 10.12198/j.issn.1673-159X.5483


Effect of Milling Method on the Characteristics of Buckwheat Flour and Its Noodle Processing Properties

  • 摘要: 以荞麦为原料,采用高速、气流和破壁3种磨粉方式制备荞麦粉,研究不同粉碎方式下荞麦粉的色泽、流动性、填充性、水合特性和持油性等粉质特性,以及荞麦面条的吸水率、熟断条率和蒸煮损失率。结果表明磨粉方式对荞麦粉粉质特性及荞麦面条品质特性影响差异显著:高速粉的流动性优于其他方式制备的荞麦粉,但其持水力、持油力、溶解性等较差;气流粉的持水力、持油力、溶解性、溶胀度最好,分别为1.54 g/g、0.86 g/g、9.54%、2.77 mL/g,总色差为6.13;气流粉制作的面条吸水率最高,为182.09%,熟断条率和蒸煮损失率分别为13.69%和13.38%;破壁粉的各项指标均不突出。因此,气流粉品质较佳,适合作为荞麦精深加工的食品原料。


    Abstract: The raw material used was buckwheat, and the flour was obtained with three different types of milling methods high-speed, airflow, and wall-breaking. The color, fluidity, filler, hydration properties, oil, and other powder properties of the flour were investigated under these techniques. The properties of buckwheat noodles include water absorption, cooked broken rate, and cooking loss rate. The findings highlight the importance of significant differences in the quality attributes of buckwheat flour milling and buckwheat noodles. Although high-speed powder flow is a superior method for preparing buckwheat flour compared to other methods, it still exhibits weak water-holding capacity, oil-holding capacity, solubility, and other characteristics. The water holding capacity, oil holding capacity, solubility, dissolution, and overall color difference of airflow powder were 1.54 g/g, 0.86 g/g, 9.54%, 2.77 mL/g, and 6.13, respectively. Noodles made from airflow flour showed the highest water absorption rate at 182.09%, while the rates of cooked broken strips and cooking loss were 13.69% and 13.38%, respectively. The wall-broken flour index did not exhibit any particularly noteworthy results. Therefore, the quality of the airflow flour was high and much appropriate for deep processing buckwheat as a culinary ingredient.


