
CN 51-1675/C


Acceptance of Du Fu by Chengdu and Du’s Change in Chengdu

  • 摘要: 被杜甫喻为“宇宙蜀城偏”的成都,在杜甫走投无路时,接纳了他。杜甫没有想到,这座城市的官员、亲旧、邻里甚至僧寺不仅敞开胸怀接纳了他,而且在悄无声息中改变了他的审美情趣、诗歌风格、生活方式与诗学独照。杜甫一生流离颠沛,只有在成都,才得到难得的喘息。诚如仇兆鳌所言“盖多年匍匐,至此始得少休”。这成都的“少休”,竟成就了杜甫与成都的一段经典“传奇”,在中国诗歌史和文化史上注定要永放异彩。


    Abstract: Chengdu, described by Du Fu as “a Shu city remote in the universe”, accepted Du Fu when he was desperate. Du Fu didn’t expect that the city officials, pro elders, neighbors and even monks in temples not only accepted him warmly, but also changed unconsciously his aesthetic taste, poetic style, life style and poetic monologue. Du Fu moved from one place to another all his life, only in Chengdu did he get a rare respite. As Qiu Zhaoao says, “after years of wandering, Du has quiet life here in Chengdu”. This “quiet life” in Chengdu has become a classic “legend” of Du Fu and Chengdu, which is destined to be brilliant forever in the history of Chinese poetry and culture.


