Leftward Movement: New Development in Linguistic Subjectification
摘要: 文章阐述了语言主观化理论的最新进展—“左移”,指出主观化成分强烈地表现为“左移”,体现了句法上的“语义靠近”原则和认知表达上的“先来后到”原则的和谐,该现象具有跨语言的强势表现。“左移”的主观化成分在语义上比较虚灵,同时伴随着定指性的提高。该理论可以对传统的一些语法现象给出系统的解释。Abstract: Leftward Movement is a newly developed hypothesis in linguistic subjectification theory. It points out that a subjectified element shows a strong syntactic tendency to move leftward, a mechanism of harmony between Semantic Adjacency Rule and First Come First Serve Principle. The leftward-moved elements are semantically more bleached and definite. Leftward Movement can give a systematic explanation to some traditional grammatical phenomena.