
CN 51-1675/C

王永波,刘浪. 李调元古籍编刻活动与文献学思想述略[J]. 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2021,40(1):34 − 43 . DOI: 10.12189/j.issn.1672-8505.2021.01.003
引用本文: 王永波,刘浪. 李调元古籍编刻活动与文献学思想述略[J]. 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2021,40(1):34 − 43 . DOI: 10.12189/j.issn.1672-8505.2021.01.003
WANG Yong-bo, LIU Lang. A Brief Account of Li Tiaoyuan's Compilation and Engraving of Ancient Books and His Philology Thought[J]. Journal of Xihua University (Philosophy & Social Sciences) , 2021, 40(1): 34-43. DOI: 10.12189/j.issn.1672-8505.2021.01.003
Citation: WANG Yong-bo, LIU Lang. A Brief Account of Li Tiaoyuan's Compilation and Engraving of Ancient Books and His Philology Thought[J]. Journal of Xihua University (Philosophy & Social Sciences) , 2021, 40(1): 34-43. DOI: 10.12189/j.issn.1672-8505.2021.01.003


A Brief Account of Li Tiaoyuan's Compilation and Engraving of Ancient Books and His Philology Thought

  • 摘要: 李调元的古籍编刻活动贯穿于他的一生,包括访求珍本、编订成书、编撰大型丛书及后续的修订增补,为保存巴蜀文化文献做出了重要贡献。李调元编刻古籍从内容上来说经史子集四部齐备,还刊刻了几部大型丛书如《函海》《续函海》,编纂了《蜀雅》《全五代诗》等大型总集。他广泛收集有关历代巴蜀文献的资料,尤其是明人杨慎的著述,汇刻到《函海》中,才使得这些著作因《函海》而保存下来。他在文献的甑订与辨别上,非常注意可靠性与完整性,因而所编刻的古籍质量很高,是清代中期蜀中刻书的代表。所撰写的几十篇《函海》序跋,或考订作者,辨析版本,或纠正前人误说,补充内容,皆有辨章学术、考镜源流的特点,反映了李调元的文献学思想。


    Abstract: Li Tiaoyuan's compilation and engraving activities of ancient books run through his whole life, including searching for rare books, compiling books, compiling large-scale series and subsequent revision and supplement, which has made important contributions to the preservation of Bashu cultural documents. In terms of content, Li Tiaoyuan has compiled four complete sets of classics and history, and published several large-scale series, such as Hanhai, Xuhanhai, Shuya and Quan Wu Dai Shi. He collected a wide range of materials about the literature of Bashu in past dynasties, especially the works of Yang Shen in Ming Dynasty, and engraved them into Hanhai. It is Hanhai that makes these works survived. He paid great attention to the reliability and integrity of the documents, and so the ancient books compiled and engraved by him are all in good quality, which are regarded as the representative Bashu books in the mid-Qing Dynasty. The dozens of prefaces and postscripts of Han Hai written by Li Tiaoyuan reflect Li's Philology thoughts, covering revising the author, analyzing the versions, correcting the mistakes of predecessors, and supplementing the contents.


