
CN 51-1675/C


Personal Information Protection in Public Health EmergencyFrom the Perspective of COVID-19 Prevention and Control

  • 摘要: 新冠肺炎疫情发生在大数据时代背景下,除了公共利益与个人信息权益之间原本就存在着张力之外,大数据时代联防联控的要求进一步增加了个人信息被侵犯的风险。文章以新冠肺炎疫情防控为视角,分析了公共卫生事件中个人信息保护应遵循的三个原则:绝对公益原则、比例原则、正当程序原则。并提出了公共卫生事件中个人信息保护的具体措施。在此基础上尝试构建公共卫生事件中的个人信息保护制度:明确保护的规范化路径、保护机构以及个人信息被侵犯之后的救济途径。


    Abstract: COVID-19 epidemic occurs in the era of big data, in addition to the tension between public interests and personal information rights, the requirement for joint prevention and control in the big data era further increases the risk of personal information being violated. From the perspective of COVID-19 prevention and control, this paper analyzes three principles that should be followed in protection of personal information in public health events: absolute public benefit, proportionality and due process, and proposes specific measures for personal information protection in public health incidents. On this basis, the paper tries to construct a personal information protection system in public health emergency, that is: to specify a normalized path of protection, to establish a protection institution and to confirm relief channels after personal information is infringed.


