
CN 51-1675/C


On High Quality Development of Economy and Its Evaluation Based on the Concept That Embodies New Development

  • 摘要: 经济高质量发展是我国经济发展的主题。新发展理念不仅是实现高质量发展的重要引领,而且是评价经济高质量发展的核心内容,是衡量经济发展“好不好”必要标尺。为了对体现新发展理念的经济高质量进行全面客观评价,需设置合理的评价指标体系,采取科学的评价方法。全面深入贯彻新发展理念,加快推动经济高质量发展,有必要把创新驱动摆在发展之首,加快提升整体创新能力水平;把民生福祉置于发展之本,不断满足人民美好生活需要;把安全可控作为发展之基,构建完整配套产业链供应链;把健康持续确为发展之要,促进经济协调互动良性循环。


    Abstract: High quality economic development is the theme of China's economic development. The new development concept is an important guide to achieve high-quality development, a necessary yardstick to measure high-quality economic development or "good" economic development, and a core content to evaluate high-quality economic development. In order to make a comprehensive and objective evaluation of the high-quality economy embodying the new development concept, it is necessary to set up a reasonable evaluation index system and adopt scientific evaluation methods. To comprehensively and thoroughly implement the new development concept and accelerate high-quality economic development, it is also necessary to put innovation drive at the top of development and speed up the improvement of the overall innovation ability; put people's livelihood and well-being at the root of development, meet constantly people's needs for a better life; take safety and control as the basis of development, build a complete supporting industrial chain supply chain; thus, healthy and sustainable development can be taken as the key to promote a virtuous circle of economic coordination and interaction.


