
CN 51-1675/C


On the Influence Mechanism and Path of Digital Economy on Coordinated Regional Development

  • 摘要: 新时代背景下,推动区域协调发展,是建设现代化经济体系、实现经济高质量发展的重要任务。文章通过省际差异和城乡差距两个维度衡量区域协调发展程度,从数字经济对经济发展的驱动效应入手,定性研究了数字经济对区域协调发展的影响机理,并基于2011—2019年30个省(市、自治区)的面板数据,运用面板固定模型、Bootstrap检验的中介效应模型和面板门槛模型等计量模型进行实证分析。结果显示数字经济减小了省际差异和城乡差距,对促进区域协调发展有积极作用。具体而言,数字经济发展能显著缩小东部地区的省际差异和中西部地区的城乡差距;差异水平越大的地区,数字经济缩小省际差异或者城乡差距的效果就越好;数字经济通过产业结构升级抑制了区域协调发展,通过技术创新促进了区域协调发展;要素市场化在数字经济减少省际差异的过程中呈现双门槛效应,在数字经济减少城乡差异的过程中有调节作用。


    Abstract: The new era calls for a coordinated development across different regions. This is an important task for building a modern economic system and achieving high-quality economic development. The present study compares the degree of regional coordinated development in terms of inter-provincial differences and urban-rural gaps. The study gives a qualitative analysis of the digital economy’s impact on regional coordinated development from the perspective of digital economy’s driving force, and uses the panel data from 30 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions), panel fixed model, Bootstrap test mediation effect model and panel threshold model and other econometric models for an empirical analysis. The results show that: first, the digital economy reduces inter-provincial and urban-rural gaps, and has a positive effect on promoting coordinated development across regions; second, the development of digital economy can significantly reduce the inter-provincial gap in the eastern region and the urban-rural gap in the central and western regions; third, the greater the disparity, the better the effect of the digital economy in narrowing the inter-provincial or urban-rural gap; fourth, the digital economy inhibits the coordinated regional development through industrial structure upgrading, and promotes coordinated regional development through technological innovation; fifth, the marketization of production factors presents a double-threshold effect in the process of reducing inter-provincial differences in the digital economy, and has a moderating role in the process of reducing urban-rural differences in the digital economy.


