
CN 51-1675/C


Data Sharing: Antitrust Law Incentives for Essential Data

  • 摘要: 数据要素的开放共享是培育统一数据市场的重要基础。当下频现的新型数据垄断行为致使数据要素孤岛运行,严重损害数据市场竞争秩序,妨害统一数据市场的培育。德国以及欧盟已经在立法上明确数据适用必需设施。然而,源自工业经济时代的必需设施理论难以直接适用于数据,在司法实践中存在适用标准的选择差异较大、必需数据范围有待明确、数据共享潜藏着多重风险等困境。数据适用必需设施应从以下三个方面进行优化:第一,统一适用必需设施的正反面条件;第二,区分资源性数据与资产性数据在反垄断法上的不同意义,规定必需数据的范围;第三,在共享可行性方面,构建安全可信的数据共享方式与动态综合的数据定价机制。


    Abstract: Open & shared data is an essential facility for incubating data single market. The frequent emergence of data monopolistic behaviors makes data run separately, which seriously undermines the order of data competition and hinders the cultivation of data single market. Germany and the EU have legislated for essential data. However, the essential facility doctrine, which originated in the industrial economy, cannot be applied to data directly in the digital economy. Some dilemmas still exist in judicial practice, such as the wide variation in the selection of applicable criteria, the unclear scope of essential data, and the potential multiple risks of data sharing. The application of essential data should be optimized in three aspects. Firstly, the positive and negative conditions for the application of essential data should be standardized; secondly, it should distinguish the different meanings of data resource or data assets in the antitrust law, and set the scope of essential data in regulations; finally, in terms of the feasibility of data sharing, a secure & reliable data sharing method, and a dynamic & integrated data pricing mechanism should be established.


