
CN 51-1675/C


An Analysis on The Source of Core Socialist Values

  • 摘要: 坚持和发展马克思主义,必须以马克思主义价值观为指导,必须同中华优秀传统文化相结合。只有植根本国、本民族历史文化沃土,马克思主义真理之树才能根深叶茂。中华优秀传统文化源远流长、博大精深,是中华文明的智慧结晶,其中蕴含的天下为公、民为邦本、为政以德、革故鼎新、任人唯贤、天人合一、自强不息、厚德载物、讲信修睦、亲仁善邻等,是中国人民在长期生产生活中积累的宇宙观、天下观、社会观、道德观的重要体现,同科学社会主义价值观主张具有高度契合性。


    Abstract: To uphold and develop Marxism means we must be under the guidance of Marxism values and combine Marxism with fine traditional Chinese culture. Only by basing on Chinese national conditions and rooted in the fertile soil of Chinese history and culture can Marxism grow and flourish. Well-established and profound fine traditional Chinese culture is the wisdom of Chinese civilization and embodies many philosophies, such as serving the world as a whole, considering people as the foundation of the state, governing by means of virtue, updating old systems and practices, selecting officials on the basis of their merits, humans being an integral part of nature, striving continuously to strengthen oneself, a person of virtue shouldering responsibilities, keeping good faith and pursing harmony, being benevolent and friendly towards neighboring counties. And these philosophies, created by Chinese people in their long-term production life, represent how they consider the universe, the world, the society and the morality and highly accords with scientific socialist values.


