
CN 51-1675/C


Genus Plus Differential Method and Place Names: An Exploration Based on Embodied-cognitive Toponymy

  • 摘要: 《周易》中的“近取诸身,远取诸物”不仅道出了汉字的构造原则,还揭示了语言其他层次的体验和认知成因,可视为当今“体认语言学”之先声。这八个字中的“身”和“物”相当于“体”;“取”相当于“认”。地名也常据此原则命名,这就是体认地名学的基本观点。由于汉语造字和构词都常用逻辑学中的“属加种差法”,地名制定过程中的“取”也该包含此法。


    Abstract: The old saying in The Book of Changes as "extracting inspiration by observing our body nearby and the things afar" not only states the principle of building the Chinese characters, but also reveals the experiences and cognitive causes of the other levels of language, which can be regarded as a precursor of "Embodied-cognitive Linguistics" nowadays. In this old saying, the words "body" and "thing" refer to the "embodiment", and "extracting" refers to the "cognition". Based on which place names are made, and this is the basic idea of Embodied-cognitive Toponymy. As the word-building and the Chinese character-formation are mainly based on the "genus plus differential method" in Logic, which should be included in the process of making the place names.


