
CN 51-1675/C


A Research on Anthology in English Translation As a Medium to Take Chinese Literature Global

  • 摘要: 在推动中国文学“走出去”背景下,对单部作品、特定体裁的译介,无论是在翻译实践,还是在翻译研究层面,都引起了译界广泛重视。然而,将译作编成涵盖中国文学全/半跨度,综合所有重要体裁,塑造、传播整体形象的翻译选集却一直未受到足够重视。文章对中国古代文学的选集编纂传统,海外汉学界中国文学英译选集、国内对外文学英译选集的编纂概况进行了梳理;对选集编纂和作用发挥的一般机制、“翻译选集”不同于一般原文选集的特殊规律进行了总结,并对国内文学英译选集编纂研究的现状进行了调研。目前,国内译界对文学英译选集编纂的相关研究严重不足,对同属“选集”的共性部分与我国两千多年的选学传统相脱离,因“翻译”带来的新复杂性也疏于用当代译学加以阐释。未来,为充分发挥翻译选集在文学“走出去”中的作用,应将传统选学与当代译学结合起来,形成“译选学”研究,加深对此载体的认识。同时,应尽早推出同规模对外作品,摆脱此领域任由海外汉学“代言”的局面。


    Abstract: Since China planned to promote more of its literature to "go global", domestic translation community has paid close attention to the outbound translating of individual literary piece or genre and the academic studies on it. However, when it comes to anthologizing translated works, covering whole / half range of Chinese literature with all essential genres and literary panoramas, attention is wanting. This research summarizes how ancient Chinese literati, modern Western Sinologists and modern Chinese scholars compiled anthologies either in Chinese or in English translation. It also investigates how anthology forms and works, how translation anthology differs from that only in original language, and how domestic academia has researched on the compilation of anthologies of Chinese literature in English translation. The research concludes that, domestic translation community has to a large extent failed to see what's in common between how anthologies were compiled in the past 2000 years and how translation anthologies should be compiled to promote Chinese literature worldwide today. It also failed to explain how "translation" will make "translation anthology" special from the perspective of contemporary translation studies. The research thus proposes that for more Chinese literature to go global through "translation anthology" in the future, traditional anthology-compiling scholarship should be associated with contemporary translation studies to form a new field of "translation anthology compilation studies" and cast more light on this medium. Meanwhile, competing works from Chinese mainland should be produced at the earliest possible date to make our own voice heard in this domain.


