
CN 51-1675/C


International Consumption Center City: Commonality Analysis, Experience Exploration and Policy Suggestions

  • 摘要: 开展国际消费中心城市培育建设,是推动经济高质量发展、加快构建“双循环”新发展格局的一项重大战略。文章在界定国际消费中心城市概念基础上,通过对普遍达成共识的国际消费中心城市的建设经验进行共性分析,发现建设国际消费中心城市需要“六大条件”,即经济水平高度发达、服务业主导、开放水平高、宜居水平高、创新能力强、营商环境优。进一步地,结合国外国际消费中心城市建设经验,将其发展模式总结为三种:“高企业入驻”+“优营商环境”的商业金融模式、“高宜居水平”+“特色城市文化”的文化宜居模式、“优交通条件”+“高开放水平”的国际友好模式。最后,围绕“六大条件”和“三大模式”,结合我国培育建设国际消费中心城市的实践探索,提出针对性政策建议。


    Abstract: Developing international consumption center cities is a significant strategy for promoting high-quality economic development and accelerating the construction of a "dual-circulation" new development pattern. In this article, we define the concept of international consumption center city and conduct a commonality analysis of the construction experience of international consumption center cities that have reached a general consensus. We find that developing an international consumption center city requires "six conditions", namely a highly developed economy, a leading service industry, a high level of openness, a high standard of living, a strong innovation ability, and an excellent business environment. Furthermore, based on the development experience of international consumption center cities abroad, we summarize their development models into three types: the commercial and financial model of "high enterprise settlement" + "excellent business environment", the cultural livable model of "high standard of living" + "characteristic city culture", and the international friendly model of "excellent transportation infrastructure" + "high level of openness". Finally, we provide targeted policy recommendations based on the "six conditions" and "three models", and draw on China's practice of cultivating and constructing international consumption center cities.


