
CN 51-1675/C

张晓炯. 结构功能主义视角下人工智能司法的张力与进路调适[J]. 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2024,43(4):74 − 85. DOI: 10.12189/j.issn.1672-8505.2024.04.008
引用本文: 张晓炯. 结构功能主义视角下人工智能司法的张力与进路调适[J]. 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2024,43(4):74 − 85. DOI: 10.12189/j.issn.1672-8505.2024.04.008
ZHANG Xiao-jiong. The Tension and Approach Adjustment of Artificial Intelligence Justice from the Perspective of Structural Functionalism[J]. Journal of Xihua University (Philosophy & Social Sciences) , 2024, 43(4): 74-85. DOI: 10.12189/j.issn.1672-8505.2024.04.008
Citation: ZHANG Xiao-jiong. The Tension and Approach Adjustment of Artificial Intelligence Justice from the Perspective of Structural Functionalism[J]. Journal of Xihua University (Philosophy & Social Sciences) , 2024, 43(4): 74-85. DOI: 10.12189/j.issn.1672-8505.2024.04.008


The Tension and Approach Adjustment of Artificial Intelligence Justice from the Perspective of Structural Functionalism

  • 摘要: 在司法现代化和司法公正双重目标驱动下,人工智能司法需要国家力量和社会力量的共同参与和紧密配合。一方面,人工智能司法系统的建设需要科技企业提供人工智能技术;另一方面,公平正义仍是司法机关坚持的核心。人工智能司法系统在提升审判效率、实现司法便民等方面展现出独特的工具价值,然而,在现实运行中却面临着技术依赖掣肘能动司法、算法黑箱削弱司法公信力、算法自动化冲击正当程序三重障碍。从结构功能主义的视角进行分析后发现,数字权力向司法体制的结构性嵌入、算法规则对法律规则的功能吸纳以及法官主体地位被削弱共同导致上述的难题。为了更好地发挥人工智能司法实现司法正义、保证司法审判质效的功能,人工智能司法系统在设计过程中应当围绕“以人为本”的价值理念、法官主体地位的确定、技术与司法有效衔接的机制健全三方面展开,及时破除其隐性功能削弱司法体制改革成效的风险。


    Abstract: Driven by the dual objectives of judicial modernization and justice, the evolution of AI in justice necessitates collaborative efforts between national entities and societal forces. On one hand, the development of artificial intelligent judicial systems relies on artificial intelligence technologies provided by scientific and technological enterprises. On the other hand, judicial fairness and justice remain central to the mission of judicial institutions. Artificial intelligence justice has demonstrated significant utility in enhancing trial efficiency and streamlining judicial processes. However, practical implementation faces challenges including judicial dependency on technology, erosion of judicial credibility through opaque algorithms, and the potential impact on due process from automated decision-making processes. A structural functionalism analysis highlights the embedding of digital power within judicial frameworks, the assimilation of algorithmic rules into legal norms, and the potential reduction of judicial subjectivity as key contributors to these challenges. In order to better leverage artificial intelligence to realize judicial justice and ensure the quality and efficiency of judicial trials. In the future, AI judicial systems should follow a people-centered values, reaffirm judicial subjectivity, and establish effective mechanisms for integrating technology with judicial processes. Timely mitigation of latent risks that could undermine judicial reform effectiveness is essential.


