
CN 51-1675/C


Research on Knowledge Service Model in Medical and Health Field Based on Large Language Model

  • 摘要: 医疗健康知识服务在提升医疗服务质量和增强公众健康意识方面发挥着至关重要的作用。随着人工智能时代的到来,医疗健康领域正经历深刻变革,如何有效利用现有资源满足日益增长的高质量医疗健康知识需求,成为该领域亟待解决的问题。针对上述问题,文章基于大语言模型,构建了面向医疗健康领域的知识服务模式。该模式由数据层、知识层、大模型层和用户层构成,首先整合多类医疗健康数据并融入医学知识与专家经验,然后利用参数高效微调和检索增强生成等技术提升大语言模型在医疗健康领域的适应性,最终面向公众和专业人员提供多样化医疗健康知识服务。文章通过案例验证了该模式在医疗健康知识问答和医学图像诊断中的应用效果。验证结果表明,文章所构建的知识服务模式能够有效利用大语言模型整合多模态医疗健康数据,满足用户个性化需求,实现医疗知识的深度挖掘和服务模式创新。


    Abstract: Medical and health knowledge services play a crucial role in improving the quality of medical services and enhancing public health awareness. With the advent of the artificial intelligence era, the medical and health field is undergoing profound transformations. The challenge of effectively utilizing existing resources to meet the growing demand for high-quality medical and health knowledge has become an urgent issue in this domain. To address this challenge, this study constructs a knowledge service model for the medical and health field based on the large language model. The model consists of four layers: the data layer, knowledge layer, large language model layer, and user layer. The model first integrates multiple types of medical and health data and incorporates medical knowledge and expert experience. It then enhances the adaptability of the large language model in the medical and health field through efficient parameter fine-tuning and retrieval-augmented generation techniques. Finally, the model provides diversified medical and health knowledge services to both the public and professionals. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed knowledge service model, this study conducts case analysis to assess its application in medical health knowledge Q&A and medical image diagnosis. The validation results demonstrate that the knowledge service model constructed in this study effectively leverages the LLM's ability to integrate multimodal medical and health data, meets users' personalized needs, and enables in-depth exploration of medical knowledge and innovation in service model.


