
CN 51-1675/C


On the Spatiotemporal Logic and Overall Transformation of the Mainstream Media Evaluation System

  • 摘要: “构建适应全媒体生产传播工作机制和评价体系”和“推进主流媒体系统性变革”具有密切的内在关联。理清现有评价体系的逻辑选择和既有误区,才能更精确找寻到“系统性变革”的行动指向。媒体融合向互联网进军的过程中,必须在流量这一新的“媒介尺度”中破局,并借此形成与传统广电媒体收视率评价体系共有的调适逻辑。但从实践过程与效果来看,这种调适乃至改变还远未形成系统性的整体建构。而主流媒体要从“媒介场”跨越到互联网场域达到全体系媒体融合的生态结构改变,并把握传媒生态构建的主动权,就必须首先确立既符合互联网传播生态规律,又具有主流媒体基本属性的新的评价体系,以期达到最终“系统性变革”的目标要求。


    Abstract: Developing a work mechanism and evaluation system tailored for omnimedia production and dissemination is crucially linked to the work of driving systemic transformation in mainstream media. It is essential to clarify the logical choices and address the misconceptions within the current evaluation system to accurately direct "systemic transformation". As media convergence shifts towards the internet, breaking new ground in the "media metric" of web traffic is necessary. This will help establish a shared adjustment logic with the traditional broadcast media's viewership evaluation system. However, these adjustments have not yet resulted in a comprehensive systemic structure, as observed from practical processes and outcomes. Mainstream media must establish a new evaluation system that aligns with internet communication ecology laws and maintains the core attributes of mainstream media. This is vital to achieve a systemic structural change in the media ecosystem, take the lead in its construction, and fulfill the ultimate goals of "systemic transformation".


