
CN 51-1675/C


New Quality Productive Forces Driving the Construction of Innovative Cities: Logical Mechanisms and Practical Approaches

  • 摘要: 创新型城市建设是新型城市建设的重要内容,是推进中国式现代化的重要任务,是建设创新型国家的重要着力点。城市尤其是创新型城市是新质生产力形成的策源地、集聚区与增长极,而新质生产力是创新型城市建设的动力源泉与核心支撑,两者具有“共生”与“互构”的内在逻辑。新质生产力引领创新型城市建设的作用机理主要体现在通过技术变革效应推动城市数字化、智能化、绿色化转型;通过动能变革效应推动城市发展效率变革、动力变革、质量变革;通过模式变革效应推动城市创新网络化、协同化、链式化。新质生产力引领创新型城市建设的实践进路:引领夯实科技创新基础,推动城市数智绿色转型;引领促进新旧动能转换,助力城市产业高质量发展;引领优化创新体制机制,营造城市健康创新生态;引领加强多元协同创新,打造城市创新共同体。


    Abstract: The construction of innovative cities is a key component of new urban development, an essential task in promoting Chinese path to modernization, and a crucial focus in building an innovative nation. Cities, particularly innovative cities, serve as the source, concentration, and growth pole for the emergence of new quality productive forces. In turn, these new quality productive forces are the driving force and core support for the construction of innovative cities. The relationship between the two is characterized by an internal logic of "symbiosis" and "mutual construction". The mechanism through which new quality productive forces lead the construction of innovative cities is primarily reflected in the promotion of cities' digital, intelligent, and green transformation through technological advancements, driving efficiency, power, and quality changes in urban development through shifts in energy dynamics, and fostering networked, synergistic, and interconnected urban innovation through changes in model and strategy. The practical approaches in which new quality productive forces guide the construction of innovative cities include: (1) leading the consolidation of the foundation for scientific and technological innovation to promote the city's digital and green transformation; (2) facilitating the transformation between old and new driving forces to support the high-quality development of urban industries; (3) guiding the optimization of the innovation system and mechanisms to create a robust innovation ecosystem within the city; and (4) strengthening multi-dimensional collaborative innovation to foster the creation of an urban innovation community.


