
CN 51-1675/C


"Use" and "Change": The Distribution of Literary and Vernacular Pronunciations in Chengdu Dialect

  • 摘要: 文白异读是汉语方言特有的一种历史语音—词汇现象。成都话的形成一定程度上融合了古蜀语、秦晋方言以及明清时期各地的移民方言,有着较为复杂的语言接触现象,而文白异读是语言接触形成的语音交错现象,是一个共时语音系统中不同历史层次的语音随语境、语体和应用变化形成的词语异读现象。成都话文白异读现象是研究西南官话及北方方言应该关注的话题之一。文章关注成都话文白异读的“用”和“变”,“用”指文白异读的语音体现与语词分布,“变”指文白异读在应用过程中语音的竞争性变化和不同社会属性群体的社会化变异,即语言分布和社会分布。研究认为:异读是功能性的读音分化,体现语言应用的差异;而变异是社会化的读音分化,体现社会属性。


    Abstract: Chinese dialects exhibit a unique historical phonological — lexical phenomenon known as literary and vernacular pronunciations. The Chengdu dialect, in its formation, is a blend of the dialects of ancient Sichuan, Shaaxi and Shanxi, as well as the dialects of immigrants from various places during the Ming and Qing dynasties, leading to a complex pattern of language contact. The coexistence of literary reading and vernacular reading for the same Chinese characters reflects the interaction of different pronunciations in the process of language contact, a synchronic phenomenon resulting from diachronic shifts of pronunciation in accordance to context, style, and usage. The study of the pronunciation variants in Chengdu dialect is a key topic within the broader context of Southwest Mandarin and Northern dialects. This paper examines the "use" and "change" of literary and vernacular pronunciations of Chengdu dialect. "Use" refers to the phonetic forms and word distribution of these variants, while "change" refers to the competitive phonetic shifts and sociolinguistic variations that occur during their usage, encompassing both linguistic and social distribution across different social groups. The study concludes that the two variant pronunciations reflect the different daily "use" of Chengdu dialect in meeting variant functional needs, whereas "change" signifies socialized phonetic differentiations resulting from the influence of social factors.


