
CN 51-1675/C


Signs of Kafkaesque Body

  • 摘要: 身体是表意符号的聚集地,身体通过各种各样的符号与自我和外界进行沟通,在这个意义上,身体符号担当着重要职能——承载并传达人的主客观意指。卡夫卡的书写世界在无形中构成了多种多样的身体符号,如声音、姿势、眼神、动作、表情,这些身体符号都以独特的方式言说着自身所承载和寓指的深刻意义。在不断转变的身体符号及其所处语境的交织中,作者和读者都在努力尝试推衍出符号文本所传达的可能性意义。文章通过探索卡夫卡小说中身体符号的多重意指,有助于进一步思考卡夫卡的符号世界。


    Abstract: One's body is the gathering place of ideographic symbols and the body communicates with the self and the outside world through various symbols. In this sense, the body symbol plays an important role——carrying and conveying the subjective and objective meaning of human beings.Kafka's writing world consists of a variety of body signs, such as voice, posture, expression in one's eyes, facial expression and action. These body signs reflect their profound significance in a unique way. In the interweaving of continuous changing body symbols and their context, the author and the reader are trying to deduce the possible meaning conveyed by the semiotic text. This paper is an exploration of the multiple meanings of body signs written by Kafka, hoping to further think and extend the Kafka's world of signs.


