
CN 51-1675/C


"Learning" and "Tao": Su Zhe's Articles on Morality

  • 摘要: 苏辙在文学史上的评价呈逐渐走低的态势。古代文章“一门三父子”的千古美誉,苏辙成为最黯淡无光的一位。人们通常认为,这种现象是由于苏轼光环的遮蔽所致,其实最重要的原因是人们对苏辙研究不够,认识不深。苏辙一生重“学”重“道”,强调学道既是学习之本,更是立身行世之要;他毕生追求道德文章相统一,故其文汪洋淡泊,有一唱三叹之致。苏轼与秦观不约而同地对此高度推崇,现代研究者不能熟视无睹。


    Abstract: The significance of Su Zhe seems to be fading in the history of literature evaluation. Ancient articles studied a family father and two sons. But Su Zhe was a dim son. It is generally believed that this phenomenon is due to the shadow his brother Su Shi cast on him. In fact, the most important reason is, in the view of the author of this paper, is that there have been researches on Su Zhe, resulting in the lack of awareness of him. Throughout Su Zhe's life learning and Tao (morality) had been his focus. His writing always emphasized building up of morality, for which both Su Shi and Qin Guan advocated, and to which modern researchers cannot turn a blind eye.


