
CN 51-1675/C


Errors and Effects of Modern Documented Evidence on The Grand Chinese Dictionary: Taking the Documented Evidence from Besieged City as Examples

  • 摘要: 书证作为《汉语大词典》的重要组成部分,是近二十年学界的关注重点,但有关现代书证研究成果却不多。《汉语大词典》中《围城》书证有182例,数量较多;失误类型较多,有出处、文字、标点符号、排序、孤证、书证滞后、版本不一共计七种失误。《汉语大词典》中《围城》书证失误比例较高,失误类型可以较为全面地反映《汉语大词典》现代书证存在的问题。《汉语大词典》现代书证失误会影响辞书的规范性,甚至模糊对部分词语源流演变的认识。《汉语大词典》现代书证问题的普遍存在与关注缺失,凸显了对其进行修正的重要性与迫切性。


    Abstract: Documented evidences are an essential part of The Grand Chinese Dictionary, which has been the focus of study for nearly twenty years. However, the modern documented evidences failed to be given enough concerns.There are 182 cases of documented evidence from Besieged City in The Grand Chinese Dictionary. There are seven kinds of errors: source, writing, punctuation mark, order, isolated evidence, quotations-lagging, unified edition. The proportion of errors is high, and the types can comprehensively reflect the problems about the modern documented evidences in The Grand Chinese Dictionary. The errors of modern documented evidence affect the normalization of The Grand Chinese Dictionary, confusing the recognition concerning the origin of words and their evolution. The common problems and lack of their awareness make it all the more important and urgent to revise the the modern documented evidences in The Grand Chinese Dictionary.


