
CN 51-1675/C


Investment Arbitral Awards in China—With Additional Discussions on Nature of China's Notification Under Washington Convention Article 25(4)

  • 摘要: 国际投资仲裁能否有效解决投资者与东道国的争端,在很大程度上取决于仲裁裁决是否得以执行。而仲裁裁决得到法院执行的前提之一是仲裁管辖权的正当性,根据《华盛顿公约》第25条,国际仲裁庭取得管辖权需满足双重同意。中国在加入《华盛顿公约》时向ICSID发送了一份限制可仲裁事项的通知,对该项通知是否构成条约的保留及其效力,学理上争执激烈。2007年“Saipem诉孟加拉国”仲裁案对中国缔结投资条约中“保护伞条款”的解释与适用具有启示意义。


    Abstract: The key of the settlement of investment disputes between the foreign investors and the governments depends largely on the enforceability of the international arbitral awards that mediate the disputes. And the jurisdiction of the arbitration is the prerequisite to enforce the awards. According to Washington Convention Article 25, the jurisdiction of the arbitration tribunal relays on the agreement of both sides of the disputed. When signing the Washington Convention, China also sent a notification to ICSID to exclude issues out of arbitration, which is hugely controversial in academics of its qualification as a reservation of the Treaty and its efficacy. The author believes that the case of Saipem litigate. Bangladesh in 2007 can serve as a precedent for China to interpret the so-called "Umbrella Clause".


