
CN 51-1675/C


Liu Wendian's Research of the Chinese National Studies and His Comparative Consciousness

  • 摘要: 大而言之,国学是一个与西学相对而言的范畴。从历史上看,国学是近代以来随着民族国家的纷纷兴起而诞生的专门学术。从世界范围看,国力强盛的各个国家大都有自己的专门学术,它们虽然名称各异,然而覆盖的领域却基本相同,故而可以统称为各国学。中国的国学,或曰中国学,或曰汉学,与各国学的差别在于其传统非常悠久。刘文典的国学研究自成体系,所著《淮南鸿烈集解》乃是其国学研究的高度成就。刘文典的国学研究具有跨学科比较研究的突出特色,达到了世界领先的水平。刘文典具有鲜明的独立人格。刘文典的一生,活得爽气,活得大气,活得有骨气。刘文典是当之无愧的国学大师。


    Abstract: Generally speaking, the Chinese national studies may be a category in opposition to the Western studies. Historically speaking, any national studies what so ever is a special academic branch, which grew up with the national countries' growth in the early modern times. World-widely speaking, all powerful countries have their own national studies. They bear different names, to be sure, but the field they cover is basically the same. This is the reason why they are called by a joint name of national studies. The Chinese national studies may be called either the national studies for short or sinology as the Westerners do. Chinese national studies differ from all the other national studies in that its history is very long. Liu's research of the Chinese national studies forms up a unique system. Collected Annotations to Master Huainan's Works stands for the high achievement he has reached in the field of Chinese national studies, which are characterized distinctively by interdisciplinary features. No wonder it is regarded as a world-top achievement. Liu has a brilliant and independent personality. He spent his lifespan in a heroic, gallant and generous way. Liu fully deserves the title of Master of Chinese studies.


