
CN 51-1675/C


On the Origin of the Custom to Pray for Rain via Dogs

  • 摘要: 农耕文明讲求风调雨顺,因此对雨水有着极度的关注。每逢干旱,祈雨就成为一个极有代表性的祭祀活动。祈雨的方式有很多种,其中就有以犬祈雨的现象。探寻以犬祈雨的原因有助于丰富祈雨祭祀的研究。本文认为以犬祈雨的原因有三种:一是犬图腾文化的影响,二是交感巫术在祭祀活动中的运用,三是物候。


    Abstract: Favorable weather was emphasized for good harvest during agricultural civilization, thus rain was highly concerned at that time. Whenever there was a drought, praying for rain was a typical worship ceremony.Various of approaches were applied to pray for rain, including praying for rain via dogs. To explore the origin of praying for rain via dogs will enrich the study of praying for rain with worship ceremonies. Three reasons are concluded in this paper, namely, the influence of dog totem culture, the application of the sympathetic magic in worship ceremonies and phonological phenomenon.


