
CN 51-1675/C


Similarities and Differences of Learning Theories Between Huainanzi and Fayan

  • 摘要: 在西汉时期的论“学”之作中,《淮南子》与《法言》颇具代表性,二者充分反映出道、儒两种不同思想立场的学习观。在学习的重要性、态度及条件等方面,《淮南子》与《法言》存在交集之处,但在学习的目的、内容、精神及境界上二者又有所不同。道、儒思想的立场差异,是《淮南子》与《法言》论“学”异、同的根本原因:前者追求原性返初、清静无为的道家之学,从“治身”和“治国”两方面批评儒家之学;而后者则立足儒家教化观念,强调仁义礼乐之学的根本性,反对道家之学。在儒学独尊、黄老衰歇的时代变化中,《法言》所代表的儒家之学,最终成为影响汉代士人的主流学习观。


    Abstract: Huainanzi and Fayan are representative for the Western Han Dynasty works on learning theory, which fully reflect the two different learning concepts for Taoism and Confucianism. They both agree, to a certain degree, on the importance of study, attitude and conditions, but differ in the purpose, content, spirit and realm of learning. The primary cause of the differences results from the conceptual differences of Taoism and Confucianism. The former emphasizes on the natural being and non-action of men and criticizes the viewpoints of Confucian "cultivating oneself" and "administrating the country"; Different from Taosim, the latter emphasizes the importance of learning "ren", "yi", "li" and "yue". In an era when Taosim(or Huanglao Theory) gave way to Confucianism, Confucian learning theories are in fashion for scholars in the Han Dynasty.


