
CN 51-1675/C

The Translator's Invisibility汉译本几处译文的商榷

Discussion on A Few Translating Errors in Chinese Version of The Translator's Invisibility: A History of Translation

  • 摘要: 汉译本《译者的隐形:翻译史论》(The translator's invisibility:A history of translation)对韦努蒂翻译思想和理念的引进和推广起到了很大的作用。然而,其中部分译文存在着对原文词义、搭配、句法结构、跨文化知识背景的理解错误以及遣词造句等方面的问题,与原文的本义有较大出入,容易引起读者误解,值得商榷。本文列出其中几例存疑译文,条分缕析,指出其失误所在,并提出参考译文,以供对比。


    Abstract: Chinese version of The Translator's Invisibility: A History of Translation plays a significant role in introducing and promoting Lawrence Venuti's translating thoughts and ideas. However, some translation errors appeared in the book, concerning misunderstanding the original meanings and cross-cultural background knowledge, misuse of collocations, syntactic structures and phrases, showing large discrepancy with the original meaning of the original, which is easy to cause the readers' misunderstanding. All these errors need clarifying. This paper lists several cases of mistranslation, giving deliberate analysis, and then putting forward advisable translating versions for contrast.


