
CN 51-1675/C


On the "Three Battlefields" of the Anti-Japanese War

  • 摘要: 中国抗日战争的正面战场、敌后战场和大后方战场,共同构成全民族抗战的完整图景,是不可分割的一个整体,三者之间存在着错综复杂的互相联系、互相融通的关系。三个战场各有其发展的基本轨迹和基本特征,国共双方在三个战场上又团结又斗争、又联合又斗智,在共同抗日这个民族大义和民族担当的大问题面前表现出不同的胆识和作为,反映了中国共产党倡导和领导的抗日民族统一战线的形成和成长是个曲折、艰难、复杂的过程。把大后方视为一个特殊形式的战场,有其客观原因和主观原因。最主要的是,这是当时全民抗战,保卫每一寸国土,寸寸山河寸寸金,每寸山河都是神圣领土不容侵犯的“全民大战场意识”的反映。本文提出“三个战场”的理论,并通过对三个战场的特点和作用进行历史的、辨证的分析,以证明中国共产党所倡导和引领的全民性的抗日民族统一战线是抗日民族革命的主要形式,它的基础是国共合作,它从民族最终命运的价值观上,体现了国共两党同是一个民族命运共同体的起着引领作用的主体力量。抗日战争三个战场的胜利,是以中国共产党为核心的中国人民力量的空前壮大和全民族的空前觉醒的胜利,它为世界反法西斯战争东方战场作出了特殊的最大的贡献。


    Abstract: The front battlefield, the behind-enemy battlefield and the rear battlefield constitute a panorama of the battlefield in anti-Japanese war. Despite their separate development and characteristics, the three battlefields are complicatedly interrelated and interdependent. On the three battlefields, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party united and fought, collaborated and competed, displaying their own courage and action when faced with the serious issue of national interest and commitment, which reflects the tough process of the united national anti-Japanese front advocated and led by the Communist Party of China. Both the objective and subjective reasons could explain why the rear battlefield should be regarded as a battlefield of particular form. The main reason is that such a view mirrored the "consciousness of national war" to fight for every inch of precious Chinese territory. The historical and dialectic analysis of the characteristics and functions of the battlefields, according to the "three-battlefield" theory introduced by this essay, has proved that the united national anti-Japanese front, based on the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and advocated and led by the Communist Party of China, constitutes the main form for the national anti-Japanese revolution. From the perspective of the national ultimate fate, the Communist Party and the Kuomintang are the two leading forces in the national common fate union. The victory on the three battlefields, which contributed a lot to the east battlefield in the international anti-fascism war, resulted from the massive power of Chinese people and the national consciousness.


