
CN 51-1675/C


An Analysis of Modern Chinese Comitative Category

  • 摘要: 本文从伴随范畴的角度,将现代汉语词类进行了新的划分,主要分为事件词和非事件词。其中,事件词是构成伴随范畴的重要条件,包括动词、形容词、否定副词、部分数词、某些向动词功能游移的名词。当多个事件的发生或发展在时间上存在重叠的部分时,则构成伴随关系。我们在分析伴随范畴时,首先要找出句中的所有事件,以及与事件相关的人或物。其次,为事件画出时间轴,判断事件之间是否存在时间重叠关系。最后,在有时间重叠关系的事件中,根据上下文推断哪个是主要事件,哪个是次要事件。


    Abstract: From the perspective of comitative category, modern Chinese lexical class has been divided in two parts: event words and non-event words. Event words are the essential parts of comitative category which include verbs, adjectives, negative adverb, some numerals, the nouns functioning as verbs. When many events happen or develop at the same time, it means they have comitative relations. When analyzing, we need firstly to find all the events out, and the related persons or things. Then it's necessary to draw time axis for the events to see whether they have overlapping time. Last, it is imperative to find the main events and the comitative events in the set of the overlapping time events.


