
CN 51-1675/C


The Maturing Modernity: A Development from Urban-Rural Divergence to Urban-Rural Integration

  • 摘要: 城乡是人类古往今来的基本生产—生活空间。现代化呈现出一个总体上从以城代乡到以城带乡的结构变化。现代早期,传统社会与现代社会之间的某种失衡状态令人怵目惊心:古代社会那种城乡各具资源的模式,演变为城市对乡村的资源掠夺、空间挤压和地位取代。之后,逐渐形成城乡互动、发展互益和相互成就的成熟状态。发达国家是如此,后发国家也是如此。人们曾经生造出一个现代一经降临,城乡关系就非常和谐的神话,这不符合历史真实,也不符合人类从古代进入现代的能力提升过程。从现代早期城乡分流发展到现代成熟时期城乡的相互成就,是人类处理城乡关系的一大进步。这个过程,是一个渐熟的进程,而不是一个骤熟的结果。这是一个符合人类认知与实践渐进性特点的发展定势。


    Abstract: Urban and rural areas have served as fundamental spaces for human production and living throughout history. Modernization has generally undergone a significant structural shift from urban dominance over rural areas to urban facilitation of rural development. With the onset of modernity, the imbalance between traditional and modern societies was striking: the ancient model, where cities and rural areas each utilized their own resources for development, transformed into a model characterized by urban exploitation of rural resources, spatial encroachment, and replacement of rural livelihoods.Later on, a mature state emerged characterized by urban-rural interaction, mutually beneficial development, and shared achievements. This pattern of development has been the case for both advanced economies and emerging economies. People used to believe the advent of modernity would instantly harmonize urban-rural relations. However, this notion does not align with historical reality or the gradual enhancement of human capabilities from ancient to modern times. The transition from early modern urban-rural divergence to mature joint progress signifies significant advancement in how humans manage urban-rural relationships. This transformation represents a gradual, rather than a radical, maturation, aligning with the incremental nature of human cognitive and practical evolution.


