
CN 51-1675/C


A Corpus-based Investigation on Translation Universals in Chinese-into-English Translations by Chinese Translators

  • 摘要: 本文以自建的中国译者英译本语料库和英语原创小说语料库为类比研究对象,借助WordSmith Tools 4.0等语料库检索分析工具,分别从词汇和句法层面考察中国译者英译本的翻译共性特征。虽然结果多不符合以往研究所得出的“简化”量化模式,但皆呈现“显化”、“范化”以及“源语渗透效应”等其他共性特点,也体现中国译者灵活驾驭词汇的能力、以及接近汉语源语的语言操作习惯。


    Abstract: This paper conducts a comparative study with the data drawn from a self-built comparable corpus of translated English by Chinese translators and native English corpus, aiming to examine the degree to which Translation Universals are identifiable in the translations of Chinese translators at both lexical and syntactic levels. The findings show that "simplification" is not apparent in translated English but other features such as "explicitation", "normalization" and "source language shining" are identifiable. This shows that Chinese translators, as a unique group of translators, have a fairly good command of English language, but are influenced to a certain degree by their mother tongue.


