
CN 51-1675/C


On the Role of Reference Point in the Definition of Subject Information in a Sentence

  • 摘要: 主语作为交际的起点,其信息的明确性是句子信息传递顺利进行的前提。在现代汉语中,指示代词、转喻、话题等可以使认知主体通过一定的参照点来建立和目标实体之间的某种心理关联。其中,指示代词强调实体之间的接近性,转喻依靠实体之间的关联性,而话题提供了一个选择域。在相关参照点的参照作用下,实体相关的语法属性被激活,主语的信息得以明确。


    Abstract: As the basic unit of dynamic communication, the subject of a sentence is the starting point for the exchange of information. The clearness of the content of the subject is the premise of successful communication. In modern Chinese, demonstratives, topic similarity and correlation between things can make the subject information clear. Among them, reference point is very important.


