
CN 51-1675/C


A Further Discussion on Opening-Closing Mouth of Labial Words in Qie Yun

  • 摘要: 对于《切韵》唇音字的开合口问题,学界一派主张不分开合、一派主张分开合。本文通过对《切韵》唇音字开合口问题研究现状进行梳理,就黄易青先生、阮廷贤先生、储泰松先生的文章提出质疑,认为在各类证据尚不充分的情形下,对《切韵》唇音字的开合问题宜持保守态度,以不分开合为宜。


    Abstract: About the problem of opening-closing mouth of labial words in Qie Yun, there are two different opinions in academia. One school claims that we should not differentiate opening from closing mouth of labial words in Qie Yun while the other stands on a different ground. Through sorting out the research status of the problem of opening-closing mouth of labial words in Qie Yun, this thesis questions the articles of Mr. Huang Yiqing, Mr. Ruan Tingxian and Mr. Chu Taisong. As we don't have sufficient evidence, we should keep a conservative attitude to the problem of opening-closing mouth of labial words in Qie Yun. And we'd better not differentiate opening from closing mouth of labial words in Qie Yun.


