
CN 51-1675/C


Corrections of Unusual Surnames in Han Tablets to Documentary Evidence of Large Dictionaries

  • 摘要: 姓是血缘的标记,氏是姓的分支。大型辞书对姓氏的收录、释义、书证,应该体现出对姓氏的最高研究水平。《汉语大字典》等大型辞书对生僻姓氏的处理存在如下问题:漏收某姓;对某姓进行溯源,但未列书证;所列书证为氏的书证,不是姓的书证;书证迟后。汉碑收录姓数量繁多,可补正以上四方面的不足。


    Abstract: The family name is a make of kinship. The surname is a branch of the family name. Including, interpretation and documentary evidence of large dictionary should embody highest research average to surnames. The problems of unusual surnames in large dictionaries are obvious, for example: forgetting include some surnames; forgetting documentary evidences to some surnames when tracing them; the documentary evidences are samples of surnames not the family name; the documentary evidences are lagging. Han tablets include many family names, and they can make up these shortcomings.


