
CN 51-1675/C


Experimental studies of teaching English phrasal verbs—From the Cognitive Perspective

  • 摘要: 本文通过教学实验证明:集中教授几个隐喻概念的“V+down ”构式时,对于中等水平的中国成年英语学习者来说,用认知语言学方法(CLA)与意义猜测法相结合的方法比单独采用CLA更有效。实验一用CLA和传统教学法分别进行了教学实验,发现两组教学效果没有显著性差异。实验二选取实验一相同的材料,用CLA与意义猜测法相结合进行教学实验,发现教学效果明显优于单独的CLA。本文还认为,对于缺乏语言环境的中国成年外语学习者,同时教授几个相关隐喻概念的同一短语动词构式比同时教授几个不相关隐喻概念的不同短语动词构式更有效。


    Abstract: This paper provides experimental evidence suggesting that for adult mid-level Chinese English learners teaching one construction, i.e. "V+down", with several metaphorical concepts by combining Cognitive Linguistic approach (CLA) with meaning guessing method is more effective than that by CLA. Experiment 1 tested the participants taught by CLA and the participants taught by the traditional instruction method in teaching one construction respectively. There are not any significant differences between them in performance. Experiment 2 tested the participants taught by combining CLA and meaning guessing method by employing the teaching materials of Experiment 1. The post-tests show that performance of participants taught by CLA and meaning guessing method improved dramatically and much better than those taught by CLA. This paper also argues that teaching one construction with appropriate amount of related metaphorical concepts at a time is more effective than teaching several constructions with one or more metaphorical concepts each for adult foreign language learners without language environment.


