
CN 51-1675/C


Skepticism and Mastery of Research into the Academic Studies of Guo Moruo —His Academic Spirit and Its Consistency with Spirit of Shu Studies

  • 摘要: 郭沫若一生学术研究,充满怀疑与变化,这既是他不惧权威、敢于独抒己见,融汇百家、打通古今中外,与时俱进、不断推陈出新诸特征与精神形成的内在动力,也是其建树丰硕、成为“球形”文化巨人的重要秘诀。当然,这也是郭沫若迄今为止遭受诸多非议的重要原因之一。郭沫若的学术观念与研究方法,深受蜀学精神传统影响,显示出与后者本质属性的高度一致。


    Abstract: The academic career of the great Chinese writer, Guo Moruo, is full of incertitudes, which, in fact, are the expressions of his personality and scholar mentality. This feature makes it hard for some researchers to master his academic spirit. Based on in-depth and comprehensive analyses of the writer and his comprehensiveness, this paper exerts itself to ease the skepticism and help master his greatness, concluding that his skepticism and scholar mentality much consists with those of the Shu Studies.


