
CN 51-1675/C


Genre Analysis of International Publicity Translation——A Case Study of Historical National Scenic Spots of China

  • 摘要: 本文基于体裁分析理论,以历史圣地类国家级风景名胜区网站英文简介和英国类似景区网站简介为语料,从宏观体裁结构和微观语言特征两个层面对其进行对比分析, 以期为外宣翻译提供借鉴。基于体裁分析视角,文章指出外宣翻译要充分重视汉英两种语言的差异,内容结构和语言形式要采用译入语中读者所习惯的方式,从而产生对接受者有交际作用的译文,更好地实现文化交流和传播的目的。


    Abstract: Within the framework of genre analysis, this paper studies the schematic structures and linguistic features of online introductions in historical national scenic spots of China and Britain, aiming at providing references for international publicity translation. In this way, the authors suggest that differences between Chinese and English should be taken into consideration, content structures and language forms of the translated text be fully exploited into some familiar ones for target readers, thus producing the international publicity translation with highly communicative function and realizing the purpose of cultural communication.


