
CN 51-1675/C


Longzhong Rite of "Dispersing Evil Spirits by Standing Chopsticks in a Water Bowl": Its Folk Imagery and Features

  • 摘要: 陇中地区“水碗立箸诧冲气”的疗病方式属禳除术的一种。在“水碗立箸诧冲气”仪式中,执行者主要使用水碗、筷子等器物,采用吐唾等行为,以及选取十字路口等场所,仪式中所使用的器物、采用的手段,以及所选择的场所等,都蕴含着特定的民俗意象。文章通过对该仪式所蕴含的民俗意象的分析,可以看出“水碗立箸诧冲气”具有人事性和生活化、多重时空层叠整合和混融杂糅、普遍现实基础等特征。


    Abstract: The rite of "Dispersing Evil Spirits by Standing Chopsticks in a Water Bowl" performed by Longzhong (Middle of Gansu province) people to cure diseases is a certain form of "Rites of Praying for Good and Dispersing Bad", in which water bowls and chopsticks are used, spitting is adopted and crossroads are chosen. The utensil used, the means adopted and the location chosen contain certain folk imagery. The analysis of this essay unveils the fact that the rite has the features of social relations, daily activities, blending and integration of multiple space and time and the general reality basis.


