
CN 51-1675/C


Absolute Rights or Relative Rights? —Clarify the Nature of Rights to Licensed Use of Intellectual Property

  • 摘要: 绝对权以不特定人为义务人,相对权以特定人为义务人。知识产权许可使用权是相对权,不可能“物权化”,也不可能对抗第三人。不特定第三人非法使用智力成果,侵犯的不是许可使用权,而是能权。笔者建议在著作权法、专利法、商标法中规定独占许可使用权人享有诉权,明确该诉权的法理基础是人身自由权之定向表现形式——能权;同时规定独占许可合同应公示备案,否则不具有对抗善意第三人之效力。


    Abstract: Absolute rights' obligors are uncertain people. Relative rights' obligors are specific people. Abstract Rights to licensed use of intellectual property are relative rights and only can be infringed by the licensors. There is no possibility that a third people infringe the licensee's rights. Some people think that a third people may infringe the rights to licensed use of intellectual property, because the Chinese judicial interpretation prescribes that the licensee has the litigious right against third people. They hold that it's the result of "expansion of creditor's rights", "absolute right tendency of creditor's right", "non-invasive nature of creditor's rights", and "breakthrough of relative nature". All of them misconceive the judicial interpretation. How to justify the argument in theory? This paper analyses the nature of the rights to licensed use of intellectual property and points out the substance of licensee's litigious rights according to the judicial interpretation.


