
CN 51-1675/C


On Ge Haowen's Translation Thoughts of "Usefulness, Acceptance and Appropriateness"—Simultaneously on Theory-and-practice Relation

  • 摘要: 翻译家葛浩文认为他的翻译实践与理论的关系不太大, 这意味着国内译学界原本疏离的二者更有渐行渐远的趋势。文章通过对葛氏文论、访谈实录及其译本的分析, 梳理出“用达雅”的翻译思想:“用”于构建中国他者文化形象, “用”占据核心地位, 它决定了“达”于西方大众读者的内容和方式, 也决定了翻译之“雅”在于策略和方法选择的“因用制宜”。通过对葛浩文“用达雅”翻译思想的研究, 我们不难发现, 尽管他认为翻译实践与理论的关系不太大, 但在他的翻译思想中显示出了翻译理论与翻译实践存在着良性互动的关系。


    Abstract: Ge Haowen says that his translation practice has little to do with translation theories, which indicates that the isolated partners will drift farther and farther apart. This essay, however, unveils Ge's translation thoughts of "usefulness, acceptance and appropriateness" hidden in his literary criticism, interviews and translation works. Ge's translation is very useful for constructing a cultural image of contemporary China. This usefulness is key to his translation thoughts in that it defines both the content and the way for the target reader's acceptance and in that it determines the criterion for the elegance of his translation, that is, the"usefulness-oriented appropriateness" in strategy and method choices. Seen from Ge's translation thoughts, a positive interaction exists between translation theories and his practice although he publicly denies such a relation.


