
CN 51-1675/C


Detailed Analysis of MeiHu Collection Yuyi Xin Pu

  • 摘要: 《羽衣新谱》是现存最早的一部眉户集成。编者王小屏嗜好曲歌且熟习韵律,把改良戏曲作为一生最重要的事业,他编曲的主要目的是为了开启民智,移风易俗。该书现存的版本亡佚严重,仅有铅印本和油印本并均非完璧。现有的曲子汇编仅收有《羽衣新谱》第五卷的部分曲目且错误甚多。《羽衣新谱》的编排与曲调结构有关,曲目编排总的特点可以总结为:全书由简趋繁,每卷结构相似。《羽衣新谱》的整理对保护和发展这一优秀的非物质文化遗产有重要的意义。


    Abstract: Yuyi Xin Pu is the earliest surviving an eyebrow households integration. The editor Wang Xiaoping is familiar rhythm and song, to improve life drama as an important cause. The main purpose is to open his arranger wisdom, refinement. Existing" Yuyi Xin Pu " version of the Lost serious, just a stereotype e and mimeo. For" Yuyi Xin Pu " finishing just started and a lot of mistakes. " Yuyi Xin Pu " structure of the arrangement and melody, the track layout is a general principle: the book from simple to complex, structurally similar to each volume. Detailed Collecting and collating of" Yuyi Xin Pu ", play a great importance for protection and development of this outstanding non-material cultural heritage.


