
CN 51-1675/C


Textual Researching Zhangsui's Qian Bai Nian Yan Quoted Sushi and Suzhe's Writings

  • 摘要: 张燧《千百年眼》中有三十个条目源自苏轼、苏辙之文:或完全抄录苏轼之文,或简单删改、节录苏轼、苏辙之文。张燧抄录苏轼、苏辙之文的原因是:“二苏”相关著述在明代的刊刻,为张燧学术研究提供了载体;学术识见或学术观点的相近;明代中叶以后“苏文”评点热潮的兴起。


    Abstract: In Zhangsui's Qian Bai Nian Yan, there were thirty entries coming from Sushi's and Suzhe's Writings, by the means of transcribing Sushi's Writings completely, removing simply and extracting from Sushi's and Suzhe's Writings. The reasons why Zhangsui doing so are the following: Sushi's and Suzhe's Writings, being duplicated in the Ming dynasty, providing the carrier for Zhangsui's academic research; the Two Sus' similar academic views; Sus' Writings on the boom after the middle period of the Ming dynasty.


