
CN 51-1675/C


Thoughts on the Inheritance and Protection of Qiang Style Embroidery in Maoxian

  • 摘要: 羌绣是羌族优秀古老的传统手工艺,也是羌族人民的重要文化标志和符号。近年来,茂县大力开展对羌绣的保护工作,助力其传承发展,如扩大传承人资金补贴范围、成立合作组织、扶持相关企业、定期开展技能培训传承羌绣技艺等等,这些举措取得了良好的成效。但客观地说,茂县羌绣的传承发展依然存在着不少问题,要从根本上解决这些问题,还应从提升羌族文化的影响力、扩大产品市场、提高产品的文化品位、创新各类羌绣衍生品等方面努力,亦即通过羌绣产业的发展促进羌绣的传承与保护。


    Abstract: Qiang style embroidery is an ancient traditional handicraft, an important cultural symbol of the Qiang ethnic people. In recent times, Maoxian had vigorously carried out the protection of the Qiang embroidery and assisted its development: expanding the scope of the financial support, setting up co-operation and supporting related enterprises, developing craft training for passing on the craft, etc. These measures have achieved good results. But objectively Qiang there are still serious problems to be addressed. To fundamentally solve these problems, we are to increase and expand the product market, make it more influential and upgrade the products so that the Qiang embroidery industry can be further developed.


