
CN 51-1675/C


Cantonese Poets and Eastward Dissemination of Chinese Poetry in Qing Dynasty—Observation Based on Meiji Literature

  • 摘要: 广东籍首任驻日公使何如璋和参赞黄遵宪出使日本期间, 与明治汉诗诗人, 如龟谷省轩、宫岛诚一郎和胜海舟等, 有着密切的诗文切磋交流, 对此, 大量的明治文献都有相关记载。明治诗坛崇尚和学习清诗, 然而, 经过两百多年的闭关锁国之后, 日本对清诗的认识和接触是一个漫长而曲折的过程。以黄遵宪、何如璋等为代表的清代政治家、诗人的赴日之行, 以及两国诗坛的交流, 就成了清诗东渐和明治新风西来的重要环节。


    Abstract: According to Meiji literature, He Ruzhang, the first Minister in Japan and Huang Zunxian, the Minister-Counselor, had frequent communication with Japanese poets, such as Sekenn Kametani, Seitsro Miyajima, Syu Kazukai etc., who wrote poems in Chinese characters.Poets of Meiji Era advocated and studied Chinese poems of Qing Dynasty.However, after 200-year-policy of avoiding having contacts with other countries, it's a long and uneven road for Japanese poets to know of and understand Chinese poems of Qing Dynasty.The arrival of the statesmen and poets He and Huang and the communication between the two poetic circles became the key medium for eastward dissemination of Chinese poetry in Qing Dynasty and westward spreading of Meiji poems.


