
CN 51-1675/C

平凡中的卓越——基于The Old Man and the Sea的语言动力学研究

Excellence in the Ordinary: Research of Language Dynamics Based on The Old Man and the Sea

  • 摘要: 本文以海明威的小说The Old Man and the Sea为文本材料,运用MATLAB、Excel等软件从语言动力学角度对文本进行处理,然后建立频率分析、模糊聚类、马尔科夫过程等模型,分析所选文本中单词与字母之间的关联程度,从而揭示出该作品的写作风格和技巧。


    Abstract: From the perspective of language dynamics, this paper aims to reveal the correlation degree between words and letters in Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea by way of Excel and MATLAB, and consequently, detects the author's writing style and skills by the establishment of frequency analysis model, fuzzy clustering model and Markov model.


